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  • "Ali" - A good product, but too soon to tell.

    i love the way this cream smoothes onto my skin. It leaves it feeling soft and I think it's a little firmer. I haven't used it long enough to know if it's reducing any wrinkles, and it really doesn't have an aroma as some creams do. However, I'm quite pleased with the cream so far.

  • Michele - Great book- must for pre-meds

    This is a great book on all the MD schools in the US and tells you all the basic info about each school. Only downside is that it does not include DO schools.

  • Lee A. McKeever - ... elsewhere) that indicated that it helped to give a better fit right up until the weight limit for the ...

    I got the tiny fit option because I'd read several reviews (on Amazon and elsewhere) that indicated that it helped to give a better fit right up until the weight limit for the tiny fit insert. That might be true for babies who are short but chunky, but it didn't end up being the case for my tall-n-skinny babe. At 18lbs and ~29" he was far too tall for the insert. If your kiddo is also tracking along a higher height percentile than weight percentile you can probably save yourself a few bucks going with the non-tiny fit option. The seat is still great without it.