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  • Angel Jauregui - Angel J

    Great game and awesome graphics, I have deer hunter reloaded and it doesn't compare to this one it has way better upgrades for the guns and overall it's great.

  • Health Reader - Good Info

    Written by a bio-chemist in understandable language. I learned a lot. Had to wade through quite a bit of his pre-supposition of the theory of evolution (which he accepts as a foregone conclusion of fact) but other than that it was well written. Would've preferred a more concise "just the facts" presentation. Would've liked a list of current trusted sources of DHEA, but he does say what to look for. Overall a very helpful guide to learning about improving health with DHEA.


    Avoid LeapFrog products at all cost. You think you save money or time, but they have the worst customer service in the world. I am writing this review after spending nearly 2 hours with customer service, with them unable to explain why the $5 app I purchased was not syncing to my device. However, they refused to refund me $5 even though I never got the app and they wasted hours of my time. They say they have an absolute no refund policy NO MATTER WHAT. Tells you what kind of company you are dealing with. Also, FYI, my son loves to draw, by they have virtually no art apps. Like half a dozen, most of which involve tracing letters or shapes, and are totally redundant. And they all cost like $20. So whatever you think you save on the purchase of this cheap kids tablet, you will spend on apps since they start at $10 and go past $20. You may as well spend $100-$200 more for an iPad or Android tablet where you can get literally dozens or hundreds of art apps, learning apps, ,etc, many for free, and others for a buck or two, and much higher quality, This thing is both a time and money pit, and the company lacks decency or scruples and should be avoided like the plague.

  • Rudythegreat - An eye opener

    I wanted to write this review because Christmas is just around the corner. If you know someone who thinks that they are the epitome of knowledge, you need to buy this book for their Christmas present. Your friend will be most animated as a result of your decision; he or she could even be pissed at you for a long time.

  • Ashley kennedy - Five Stars

    Best money I've ever spent!!! Passed my boards with 85 questions!! I felt so prepared!!! Please buy!!

  • Jojo z - Not my cup of tea

    Limited foundational character development which leads to a shaky plot. Lots of event sequences which can be found in almost any vampire romance novels of today but nothing unique enough to make this one a good read.

  • Kindri - interesting

    It was a fast read; contained story. I actually wish it were a longer series. It was a different take on magic than what I usually read and I'm fascinated with tattoos, so this was up my alley. Great read.