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diavox.hu WEB - PRINT - MEDIA - diavoxhu - diavox.hu Cégünk több évre visszatekintő szakmai sikerének titka a magas színvonalú szakmai alapú cég- és ember központú szolgáltatás – mindig egyedi ig
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I love this rich, silky, nourishing hair mask. One of the great things about it is that it's HUGE. 500ml - Twice the size of a standard hair mask. It contains lot's of wonderful oils that leave my hair feeling so healthy.
If you are badly stuck at story time this will just about do the job. However, the grammar, continuity of writing and imagination leave a lot to be desired. Nowhere near as polished as a real book written by a children's author. Even at such a cheap price, I do not believe it was worth the money. Sorry to be cruel but if you take 20 seconds to make up a story in your head you'll probably come up with something better.
My shih tzu is 13 years old and has sensitive skin. His vet has advised against bathing any more often than every 10 days. His coat gets very oily and smelly within 3 days of bath. I like using moosh because it is chemical free and I feel I can safely bathe him more often if needed. It has been 4 days since his last bath with moosh and his coat is still fresh and soft.