Myanmar Eye Centers -                                                  Welcome to                                                                      We update every day.   New updates will be at If you have information of any events  or have photos of events with some descriptions,  please email to [email protected] to post in this website.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Our website provides information on Myanmar eye centers (clinics, hospitals…

  • Eye Centers « Myanmar Eye Centers -   Our site includes information on American Vision, IQ Vision, Myittar Oo Hospital, July Clinic and more. We will add more information on more eye centers as we get the information. To check more details on specific eye centers, click "eye centers" menu and choose from drop down menu.  
  • IQ Vision Doctors « Myanmar Eye Centers - Pages 1 / 2 / 3 1. Dr. Than Aung M.B.,B.S (Ygn),D.O(Lond),FRCSEd. Consultant Eye Surgeon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Dr. Mya Aung Professor Consultant Eye Surgeon M.B., B.S., D.O., M.Med.Sc Dr.Med.Sc(Ophth) Vitreo Retinal Fellow(Australia) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Dr. Min Thein M.B., B.S.,D.O, M.Med.Sc(Ophth) F.R.C.S (USA) F.A.C.S (USA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Dr.Yi Yi Aung Professor/Consultant Eye Surgeon M.B., B.S, M.Med.Sc(Ophth)…
  • IQ Vision Optical Shop « Myanmar Eye Centers -   The top 5 selling brand name glasses in IQ Vision are Coach, Esprit, Z Charmant, Elle, and Line Art.  The photos of them ( including the model name) are displayed below, click on photos to enlarge it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coach   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Esprit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Z Charmant ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line Art   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Some…
  • IQ Vision Pharmacy « Myanmar Eye Centers - Welcome to IQ Pharmacy. Top 7 selling eyedrops are shown below. Click on the photos to enlarge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Top 5 selling eye ointments are TobraDex, Ciplox, Aciclon, Solcoseryl, and Lomecin.  These are shown below.  Click on the photo to enlarge.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other medicines available are: - Nevanac - Framoptic-D - Vigamox - Atropine…
  • IQ Vision Eye Machines « Myanmar Eye Centers - The latest eye machines of IQ Vision are shown below. Click on the photos to enlarge.  
  • July Clinic « Myanmar Eye Centers - Services -Refraction -Orthoptic Assessment (SQUINT) Clinic open hours Monday to Saturday - 4pm to 6pm Address No 9. Nat Mauk Yake Tha Road, Tarmwe, Yangon.    
  • MEENT Hospital « Myanmar Eye Centers - Address Mandalay EENT Hospital 23rd St. (Between 80 x 81 Rd.), Mandalay Myanmar Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  List of Events Year 2015   Year 2014 4th & 5th October 2014. Phacoemulsification and Injectable Implant Surgery Teaching Course, organized by Helen Keller International and Mandalay Eye Unit. Year 2013 July 1-2, 2013, Ophthalmic Surgeons's  Mid…
  • Myittar Oo Optical Shop « Myanmar Eye Centers -     Top 5 selling glasses are Charmant, Cartier, Gucci, Emporior Armani, and Dior. Charmant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cartier -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gucci --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emporior Armani ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dior --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Some other brand names available are: - Charmant - Cartier - Bonia - Gucci - Emperior Armani - Dior - Guess - Dunhill - Line Art - Giantte…
  • N.Okkla Hosp « Myanmar Eye Centers - North Okkalapa Hospital, Eye Department.  Prof. Ko Ko Thant Professor and Head of  Eye Department M.B.B.S, M.Med.Sc (Ophth), Dr.Med.Sc (Ophth)  
  • Cooperative Clinics « Myanmar Eye Centers - Pale Cooperative Eye Center Daw Nwe' Nwe' Thaw Monday - 9:30 am to 4:30 p.m Tuesday - 9:30 am to 4:30 p.m Kyauktada Cooperative Eye Center Daw Nwe' Nwe' Thaw Wednesday - 9:30 am to 4:30 p.m Thursday - 9:30 am to 4:30 p.m
  • Yangon Eye Hospital « Myanmar Eye Centers - Address Yangon Eye Hospital 30, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Tsp., Yangon Myanmar E-mail: YEH   Yangon Eye Hospital(YEH) is a specialist/teaching hospital providing comprehensive eye care services and training to pre- and post graduate ophthalmology students. It is situated at 30 Natmauk Road, Tamwe Township, Yangon. It has 200 in- patient beds, 4 Operation theatre…
  • Paediatric Ophthalmology « Myanmar Eye Centers -  Dear all colleagues, I am off to go Hyderabad for training in RB for the next 3 months. Dr Tin Maung Thant(Paed Ophth Fellow) will be taking care or our shop (Paed Ophth Clinic) together with rest of the team at YEH while I am away.  The shop will be opening as usual and thank…
  • NGO Eye Services « Myanmar Eye Centers - သီတဂူ-မေလးရွား မ်က္စိအထူးကုု အစီအစဥ္ ေအာင္ျမင္စြာ ၿပီးစီး။ သီတဂူ-မေလးရွား မ်က္စိအထူးကုု အစီအစဥ္ကုုိ ၁၉.၁၀.၂၀၁၄ မွ ၂၅.၁၀.၂၀၁၄ ရက္အထိ စစ္ကိုုင္းေတာင္႐ုုိး၊ သီတဂူအာယုုဒါနေဆး႐ုုံေတာ္တြင္ မ်က္စိေ၀ဒနာရွင္ လူနာေပါင္း(၃၁၁)ေယာက္ကုုိ စမ္းသပ္စစ္ေဆးၿပီး၊ မ်က္စိေ၀ဒနာရွင္ (၁၄၂)ေယာက္ကုုိ ေအာင္ျမင္စြာ ခြဲစိတ္ကုုသအလင္းေပးႏုုိင္ခဲ့ပါသည္။ သီတဂူမ်က္စိအထူးကုု အဖြဲ႔သည္ လြန္စြာ ခက္ခဲေသာ ေနာက္ခန္း Vitreo Retinal Operation လူနာေပါင္း(၃၀)ကုုိလည္းေကာင္း၊ ႐ုုိး႐ိုုးအတြင္းတိမ္ လူနာေပါင္း(၁၁၂)ေယာက္ကုုိလည္း ေအာင္ျမင္စြာ ခြဲစိတ္ေပးႏုုိင္ခဲ့ပါသည္။ ခြဲစိတ္ကုုသေပးၾကေသာ မေလးရွားႏုုိင္ငံမွ မ်က္စိအထူးကုု ဆရာ၀န္ႀကီး Dr Peter Kong၊ Dr.Loh၊ Dr.Goh Pik Pin တုုိ႔ကုုိ သီတဂူသာသနာျပဳအဖြဲ႔က ေလးေလးနက္နက္ဂုုဏ္ျပဳပါသည္။ ေက်းဇူးလည္းအထူးတင္ရွိပါသည္။ ထုုိ႔ျပင္ သီတဂူအာယုုဒါနေဆး႐ုုံေတာ္မွ ေဒါက္တာေဒၚမိမိခင္ဦးေဆာင္ေသာ သီတဂူသူနာျပဳအဖြဲ႔ကလည္း ၀ုုိင္း၀န္ကူညီေဆာင္ရြက္ေပးခဲ့ပါသည္။ သီတဂူမ်က္စိအထူးကုုအစီအစဥ္မ်ားကုုိလည္း…
  • Helen Keller International « Myanmar Eye Centers -   Dr. Aung Kyaw Win Consultant Eye Surgeon, HKI National Coordinator Phone 01 2301055/Mobile 096500121 Email [email protected] , [email protected] HKI Yangon Office 2015 Room No.-8, Building No.1, 1st Floor, Hlaing-Myin-Mo Housing, Kan Road, Hlaing Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Daw Nu Nu Win   01 650989   email: [email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Events. CARROT  Program  4 June 2015 Opening speech of…
  • Others « Myanmar Eye Centers - Kawthaung March 2015     _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Pauk Township Free Eye Surgery  19 December 2014   __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Go to Page 2
  • Sight For All « Myanmar Eye Centers - Dr. James Muecke Director Vision Myanmar Program Chairman Sight For All S.A. Institute of Ophthalmology Adelaide 5000, South Australia Australia Fax 0011 – 61 – 8 – 8222 2741. Year 2015 Congratulations!!! Dr Tin Maung Thant has successfully completed his fellowship training in Paediatric Ophthalmology at YEH through the arrangement and the support of Sight…
  • Sitagu « Myanmar Eye Centers -     Sitagu International Missionary Trust, UK Non-Profit Organization Year 2015 The Sitagu Eye Team on the way to Mawgyun by river aboard the MV Shwezin Kyai with a glorious sunset view of the Twantay Bridge.     Year 2014 The Inaugural Eye Care Programme at the new Sitagu Ayudana Eye Unit has concluded successfully.…

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -122.4156 California, United States

  • Christopher Terry - Great proven product for the past 40 years.

    Never had a problem using this product for over 40 years. It has proven itself over and over with keeping our septic tack and field clear and clean. I love the option of being able to have this shipped to periodically so I don't have to run to the store each time to pick it up. Comes delivered right to the door so you won't forget saving you time, money and NO TAX!

  • Susan - Great dog house for medium dog, easy to assemble

    I spent a lot of time and effort making a shelter for my dog in the back half of my shed, and she would never go into it. The same day that I assembled this dog house on the porch she was snoozing inside. My dog is about 60 lbs and this house is the perfect size. She stands up with her paws on top of it to try and get the cats when they sleep on top, and it's none the worse for wear.

  • Frank Bracken - 2014 Delorme Street Atlas Update is far behind google maps

    Overall, I find Delorme Street Atlas is to be the best map source for calculating road trips. But prior to 2011 through 2013, Street Atlas has provided minimum updates to their maps in each release. I was therefore expecting that the new release of 2014 would include a comprehensive update of all roads and streets in the US. My first exposure to 2014 Street Atlas was on a trip to Las Vegas which I found out quickly that the exit numbers along Hwy 215 were wrong and in some parts completely missing. I-215 is a major highway that loops around Las Vegas. It has been completed since 2006. In addition to missing exit numbers, I also found minimum amount of updates in new developed areas in Las Vegas that are available on Google and Garmin maps. If this Las Vegas example is indicative of the whole update process of Street Atlas 2014, then I suggest using Google or some other mapping application to plan your trip.

  • joan mccabe - It certainly did nothing for me and was a waste of money

    I have been using this product for over a year and have seen no change in my skin. I was on auto delivery and had 5 boxes yet unopened even though I was using this product as prescribed both day and night.

  • Anna - Plain cream.

    I choose three star rating because it is plain cream. I used this cream during two weeks, but unfortunately it didn't help for bruises on my fingers. I will not recommending this cream, it is not working for me.