Auricular Acupuncture Addiction Anxiety Migraine Medicomat Acupuncture - Acupuncture Therapy Benefits Medical Automat Medicomat Acupuncture Gate, fully automatic and highly efficient electronic acupuncture stimulation massage.
Country:, North America, US
City: -95.9939 Oklahoma, United States
I heard the commercials on the radio so I called. I was sure to ask if Amberen would interfere with my high blood pressure medication. Note that Amberen's active ingredient is a type of salt and consuming high quantities of salt when you have high blood pressure is not recommended. I was told that Amberen would not interfere with my blood pressure medication. After taking Amberen faithfully according to the instructions, I developed a really bad case of constant thirst and dry mouth. It stopped about a week after I stopped taking it. I called and asked for my money back and I was told to continue taking the remainder of the Amberen! They didn't want to give me back my money! Bottom line, the so called "nurse" who answers your questions in all likelihood is not a nurse but a minimum wage high school drop out, forget about the money back guarantee and don't risk having a stroke by ingesting copious amounts of sodium!
I own a 1996 Dodge Intrepid that developed a bad leak coming from somewhere in the rack and pinion assembly, It got to the point where it was so bad that I could only drive the car for a few miles when it would start leaking fluid down onto the exhaust system. Not only was this dangerous, but it also caused a great deal of smoke to come from the vehicle as I was driving (it made the car look like a really bad "oil burner"). The estimated cost to repair would be around $1000. I was ready to scrap the car when I heard about Lucas Power Steering Stop Leak. I completely emptied the power steering pump reservoir with a small pump from a shampoo bottle, which incidentally worked quite well. I was able to pour the entire contents of the bottle of additive into the reservoir. I took off and drove around for about half an hour with no smoke whatsoever. I checked the reservoir and it was full. I saw no signs of leakage at all. I have been driving the car daily for about two weeks and haven't had to add a drop. I am totally happy with this product and would highly recommend it. I hope it works as well for you as it did for me.
I was looking for a crock pot with two features - controlled by an electronic touch pad instead of a knob (those knobs fall off!) and a locking feature, for easy transport. This was the only one I found with both those features!
I work in the Land Mobile Radio industry, and one thing we have to do on radio systems to test the coverage over the area that a county-wide radio system covers.
I have tried many headphones of every conceivable type searching for the one that would meet my expectations and Senso has accomplished this task completely. They are comfortable for long term wear and the sound quality is great. They fit snugly and comfortly if you are just sitting or jogging and the noise canceling is the best I have experience. A great Bluetooth headphone and a great headphone in general.