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I purchased four of these, for my husband and our teenagers, and they played with these for over an hour Christmas morning. They had so much fun playing with these. We really were impressed with how well they shoot.
This stuff worked for me! I lost 30 pounds in two months, including 20 stubborn belly fat I had for years and couldn't get rid of.
Don't bother ordering a small bottle if you have more than 3 spots to work on it will be a waste,Go straight for the gallon jug.I had a sick kitty for 2 months and this is the only cleaner i found to work.You have to use A LOT on old stains but it works.Love this product worked better than Natures Miracle.
Someone before mentioned issues with the computer remaining connected to wireless. I had the same connection issues, but they were fixed with a driver update (this is a VivoBook X540SA.)
We were excited to try out this peripheral device as we like the hunting games and thought this would add a touch of realism. It was my son's birthday present so he had first dibs at trying it. He calibrated the device but then seemed to have all kinds of issues getting the target. I thought it was just him so I tried it as well. It was extremely sensitive. Even light breathing would cause your aim to veer all over the place. Looking through the scope was even worse. We opted to just place the game with the regular dualshock controller. We enjoyed the game. There is a good variety of game to hunt. My son thought the game was too short. So, overall, as a game it was good but I'd just get it without the peripheral.