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Counsel & Heal -- Latest Counseling, Psychology, and Healing News - CounselHeal - Counsel & Heal is a web-based news publication covering trending stories in all areas of Counseling, Psychology, and Healing.

  • http://www.counselheal.com/physical-wellness/ Physical Wellness : Counsel & Heal - CounselHeal - This section is a news page covering trending stories in Physical Wellness.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/mental-health/ Mental Health : Counsel & Heal - CounselHeal - This section is a news page covering trending stories in Mental Health.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/science-tech/ Science/Tech : Counsel & Heal - CounselHeal - This section is a news page covering trending stories in Science/Tech.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/therapy/ Drugs/Therapy : Counsel & Heal - CounselHeal - This section is a news page covering trending stories in Drugs/Therapy.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25587/20161010/immunotherapy-cancer-drug-better-chemotherapy.htm Immunotherapy Cancer Drug Better Than Chemotherapy? New Study Out - Could immunotherapy cancer drug be the cure every cancer patient has been waiting for all this time?
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25554/20161006/flu-shots.htm Flu Shots: Why More and More People Are Not Getting Them - Flu shots are necessary and it is important that one should have it every year. Doctors have told these to patients time and again. But lately, more and more parents think otherwise. UPI reported that according to a new study, American parents don't get their kids flu shots because they find it unnecessary.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25450/20160922/zika-virus-symptoms-treatments-all-you-need-to-know.htm Zika Virus Symptoms & Treatments: All You Need To Know - Although it is a new virus, which has caused several issues in the past couple of months, yet Zika has intrigued interest of the world. The first infected Florida mosquitoes, which was found in Miami has caused the virus to spread over to US now.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25451/20160923/children-committing-suicide-linked-to-add-than-depression-report.htm Children Committing Suicide Linked To ADD Than Depression: Report - Children who commit suicide and are aged below 12 years, are more prone to suffering from attention deficit disorder, than depression, according to a new study.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25129/20160610/more-british-people-lonelier-cause-fear-admitting-loneliness.htm More British People Lonelier Than Ever: Find Out The Reason Behind - More than a million people in Britain are lonely and they are scared to admit their predicament, a new survey revealed.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25106/20160609/syphilis-std-infection-increasing-uspstf-recommends-more-screenings.htm Syphilis STD Infection Increasing in US; USPSTF Recommends More Screenings - US cases of syphilis are increasing and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends more screenings to help curb the spread of the STD infection.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25059/20160606/bariatric-weight-loss-surgery-boost-survival-obese-type-2-diabetes.htm Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Can Boost Survival For Obese, Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Study - Obese patients with type 2 diabetes who opt to get bariatric weight loss surgery can extend their survival, according to a new study.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25070/20160607/5-natural-ways-keep-mosquitoes-away-summer.htm 5 Natural Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away this Summer - Mosquitoes are blood-sucking insects that can bring disease from their painful stings. Here are natural ways to keep them away.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25047/20160603/fda-approves-anti-opioid-implant-therapy-curb-addiction.htm FDA Approves Anti-Opioid Implant Therapy To Curb Addiction - The US Food and Drug Administration approved an anti-opioid implant therapy drug that aims to curb addiction.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/24875/20160527/drug-resistant-microbe-appears-first-time-u-s-physicians-fearful.htm Superbug Immune To Meds Found In Pennsylvania Woman: Doctors Fear Outbreak - Physicians in the U.S. have given an account that a drug-resistant microbe has conclusively materialized in a sample of urine from a Pennsylavania women during a clinic test.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/24700/20160523/wristband-measure-alcohol-levels-gadget-helps-alcoholics-stop-drinking.htm Wristband Can Measure Alcohol Levels: Gadget Helps Alcoholics Stop Drinking - The new age of wearables have brought up a lot of possibilities, something most used these days to track their weight and heart-related concerns. Accuracy have sometimes been questioned though the fact of it all is that it opens up an advanced way to stay healthy.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/24693/20160523/japanese-startup-seeks-create-artificial-meteor-shower-2020-summer-olympics.htm Artificial Meteor Shower: Japan Creates Shooting Stars For 2020 Summer Olympics - The 2020 Summer Olympics will take place in Tokyo, Japan and like most hosting countries who want to leave a lasting impression, the Japanese folks intend to do just that.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25985/20161026/super-parenting-improves-children-s-autism-study.htm ‘Super Parenting’ Improves Children’s Autism, A Study Says - A long term study has shown that more talking from parents helps beat autism in children.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25972/20161026/luke-pasqualino-perrie-edwards-over-each-already.htm Are Luke Pasqualino And Perrie Edwards Over Each Other Already? - Luke Pasqualino and Perrie Edwards ended their brief romance citing there was not enough spark between them.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25986/20161026/pregnant-moms-suffer-due-lack-overnight-consultants.htm Pregnant Moms Suffer Due To Lack Of Overnight Consultants - Pregnant moms are not being given the care they need due to lack of overnight consultants, an audit reported.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25959/20161026/wwe-2k17-reviews-what-more-want-know.htm WWE 2K17 Reviews: What More Do You Want To Know - WWE has evolved year after year. The latest version also has some awestruck features newly embedded. The developers have finally realized that WWE is all about tactics.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25662/20161024/obesity-lead-liver-cancer-facts.htm Obesity Can Lead To Liver Cancer -- Know The Facts - High body mass index and type 2 diabetes may increase the risk of liver cancer, a recent survey suggests. Liver cancer is common in America since the mid-1970s. Lots of patients have been diagnosed with this disease.
  • http://www.counselheal.com/articles/25710/20161018/popular-foods-twitter-shed-light-health.htm Top 10 Most Popular Foods On Twitter Shed Light On Health - A new study has found tweets mentioning foods can be a great source of health insights.

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  • john frazier - Great Bat!

    Easton makes a lot of great baseball equipment. My son's babe ruth league allows big barrel bats,and he loves this bat. I have bought gloves,pants,cleats,bats and gear bags from Easton, and all of thier products have exceeded the expectations of myself and my three kids.

  • pamela l hodgson - This proves one pet's odor is not the same as ...

    This proves one pet's odor is not the same as another. So those of us who have both cats and dogs you need to double team the carpet. And for those who have lizards and snakes running through their carpet what do you use?

  • Dana S. Hayes - losing it fast

    WOW! My wife and I are using this book and we are dropping the inches . I went from a 47inch stomach to a 43 inch in a little over 3 weeks the recipes are simple and filling and the good belly bad-belly is an eye opener. I highly recommend this book.

  • Paul Feng - Best helmet ever

    It is a cliché to write a bike helmet review after having a crash. Well, count me in! I already regarded this as the best helmet I've ever owned, due to lightness and ventilation. Now I can say that it saved me from a traumatic brain injury.

  • Amazon Customer - Beware

    I'm suspicious about these reviews. I've been coloring my hair for over 25 years. For the last several years I've used L'Oreal color and a developer from Sally Beauty. I've had really good luck with that. No straw feeling afterwards, good gray coverage, long lasting and little frizz which I can easily manage with a frizz serum but I got curious and decided to give esalon a try. I filled out the questionnaire and sent a picture. I indicated that I wanted my hair a little darker. They sent me a root kit which made no sense to me as I wanted my hair darker and I didn't know how you would do that if you didn't dye it all but I called and they assured me that the rinse and shine process would do that. So I decided to take the "expert's" advice. I dyed it and when I went to wash it a gob of hair came out and my hair felt like straw, just like when I used a box dye in the past. So I went to dry it and my hair was the exact same color as before. Now, two days later and it's even lighter and my frizz serum which I have used for years won't even take care of the frizz. I think I'm going to have to go have the ends trimmed which I just did which is disappointing since I'm trying to grow it out. I'm going back to my L'Oreal again. I've learned my lesson. I didn't buy it from Amazon. I bought it directly from their site.

  • E. Hart - Pretty Shallow

    Ed's earlier books were very valuable. They gave the overview that this one does but also gave detailed examples and tables to give you everything you needed to make plans. This book does not. It's mostly--go to another source AND hire a fleet of financial and legal resources. This book is a disappointment compared to his previous efforts--which I still value greatly. Get his earlier books first. You probably won't need this one then.