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Indian Law Database - Legal News, Indian Court Cases, Supreme Court Decisions, Ask Judgments, Judgment Reviews, Bare Acts, Case Notes, Law Guides and Tutorials - Legal News, Indian Court Cases, Supreme Court Decisions, Ask Judgments, Judgment Reviews, Bare Acts, Case Notes, Law Guides and Tutorials

  • Ask Judgment - Indian Law Database - Lawkam.Org offers Indian Court Cases, Supreme Court Decisions, Bareacts, Law Guides, Legal Tips, Judgment Reviews, Case Law Recommendations etc.
  • Bare Acts - Indian Law Database - An online collection of bare acts passed by the Indian Parliament with free access to the full-text of Judgments relating to the sections, case notes etc.
  • Indian Courts - Latest Judgments & Orders - Indian Law Database - Lawkam.Org offers indian courts cases, bareacts, law guides, legal tips, judgment reviews, case law recommendations & online tutorials around all things law
  • Case Law Archives - Indian Law Database - Case Law of Supreme Court of India, High Court of Allahabad, High Court of Andhra Pradesh, High Court of Allahabad, High Court of Bombay ect.
  • Summons by Registered Post or through Ordinary Post; Relevance of - The appellant had the knowledge about the proceedings as prior to the summons in the suit, notices were attempted to be served on the appellant/defendant.
  • Caveat, Caveator & Caveatable Interest; Difference Between [Case Law] - Respondent lodged a caveat claiming to be the son of a pre-deceased sister of the testator and thus having interest in the estate of the deceased.

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