Neem een uur voor de geslachtsgemeenschap de pil in 4-5 uur, het eten van vet voedsel kan vertragen het begin van de excitatie Viagra die me werd aangeraden door de psycholoog. Ik geloofde dat ik een aantal fysiologische problemen, maar nee. Het was nodig om te diversifiëren intieme leven.
A Privately Held Medical Device Company and Developers of the NeuroStar TMS Therapy System® - Neuronetics, Inc. is a privately held medical device company focused on developing non-invasive therapies for psychiatric and neurological disorders using MRI
Country:, North America, US
City: -84.636 Michigan, United States
The spiritual teachers of our time! Instead of being told to do this and that the gentle reminders of make a choice for yourself are highlighted throughout the book. This is the book that launched me out of "spiritualized ego" !! I highly recommend it and all of their works. Make a choice!
I love this book! We are very frugal & it adds to the places that we can eat t for a bargain price. Had issues with the Long Horn casino on Boulder Hwy- they don't know how to cook a steak med/well or med/rare-they were so raw that they would have been called bleu (I spelled it correctly) in other words rarer than rare! I sent it back 2 times & it came back the same both times, then the cook came out & gave me attitude! The restaurant mgr wasn't there & the casino mgr backed him. The server had problems with the cook that night. While we were there 3 other tables sent back their steaks as well! But that wasn't the books fault. We live in a suburb of vegas so we really enjoy this book. I will buy it every year for the rest of my life!!! If you use it once or twice it pays for itself.