RS EDEN | Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment and Rehab | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - RS EDEN provides drug & alcohol rehab throughout Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro area via sober housing, recovery programs and correctional services.

  • About RS EDEN | Substance Abuse Housing, Recovery and Corrections | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - RS EDEN treats drug and alcohol addiction with structure, stability, accountability, fellowship and faith.
  • History | Correctional Halfway Houses, Substance Abuse Treatment Programs for Men and Women - Founded in 1972, RS EDEN received the first Minnesota inmate paroled directly to treatment & soon became the program for those with criminal behavior & addiction.
  • Diversity & Inclusion | RS EDEN | | Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment & Rehab | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - RS EDEN values diversity, inclusion and equity. We aim to create a workplace environment where all employees can thrive personally and professionally.
  • Leadership & Staff | Board Members, Program Directors, Housing Directors | Minneapolis- St. Paul, MN - Our nonprofit features a diverse staff. Find the contact info of the directors of RS EDEN’s corrections programs, sober housing, family services and more.
  • Partners | RS EDEN | Supporters and Sponsors | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - Learn more about the agencies and individuals who partner with RS EDEN to bring about change in the lives of people throughout the Twin Cities.
  • Client Stories | RS EDEN Testimonials | Drug & Alcohol Addiction | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - Read a few stories of change from RS EDEN’s current and former clients. We have provided hope to people throughout the Twin Cities since 1972.
  • Programs & Services | RS EDEN Supportive Housing, Correction Services and Recovery Services - We provide safe and affordable housing and recovery programs for those with a history of criminal behavior or addiction.
  • Supportive Housing | Family, Adult and Youth Housing | Safe, Sober and Affordable - We offer safe, sober and affordable housing for families, adults and youths. We are felony friendly and prioritize the homeless and disabled.
  • Family Housing | Belle Haven Townhomes, Jackson Street Village, Portland Village | RS EDEN - We provide apartments in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Princeton for homeless individuals and families, many of whom are recovering from substance abuse.
  • Adult Housing | Alliance Apartments, Central Avenue Apartments, Dillon Apartments, Emanuel Apartments - RS EDEN offers adult apartments throughout Minneapolis for the homeless, economically disadvantaged single men and women and those living with a disability.
  • Youth Housing | Seventh Landing Apartments, Lindquist Apartments | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - We provide sober & permanent youth housing in Minneapolis-St. Paul for homeless, economically disadvantaged single men and women & those with a disability.
  • Corrections Services | Residential Correctional Facilities | 24/7 Accountability and Surveillance | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - Our residential correctional facilities entail alcohol & drug screening, case management, employment assistance, education and community service referrals.
  • Residential Facilities | Reentry Ashland | Community Correctional Facilities | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - Reentry Ashland is a community correctional facility for men released from MN DOC on Work Release, Intensive Supervised Release and Supervised Release.
  • Recovery Services | Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab | Substance Abuse Treatment Programs - Our treatment programs provide counseling, substance education, healthcare, independent living skills, motivational interviewing and 12-step facilitation.
  • Inpatient Recovery Services for Men & Women | Substance Abuse Programs | Hennepin County, MN - Our inpatient recovery services for men and women support those with substance abuse disorders with an end goal of full rehabilitation and empowerment.
  • Outpatient Recovery Programs | Chemical-Free Residence for Men and Women | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - Our outpatient recovery program provides men & women with a sober and safe lifestyle via a chemical-free residence and treatment plans.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -84.636 Michigan, United States

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