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  • Amazon Customer - Love the aggressive look

    Love the aggressive look, my husband is an auto body tech and says they are good quality and fit really well! I think they are a great purchase and look great!

  • M. Tomerlin - Find out what is really goin on in world politics

    Find out where world is heading govern by "invisible" rule of illuminates, what is in their agenda and how will end by their plans.

  • Goatmonkey - Best diaper rash treatment, works on severe rashes

    My 8 month-old daughter has just started to get diaper rash, probably due to a solid food sensitivity. Her skin was red with little red dots. I had used Desitin Creamy ($7 for 4 oz), Welleda calendula ($10 for 2.8 oz) and Lansinoh ($7 for 3 oz) diaper rash creams. The Desitin Creamy had a harsh, obnoxious perfume. The Welleda was soft and pleasant smelling but didn't have the staying power of the thicker creams. The Lansinoh was fragrance-free and had a nice creamy texture and healed the rash in 3 days in conjunction with the diaperless treatment. Then the next day the rash returned with a vengeance: more intense redness, spread over a larger area, and the red dots grew and eventually oozed a clear fluid, worsening with each diaper change. Cleaning her with wipes made the poor thing scream. Lansinoh was now not helping.

  • deutschlanddeutschland - best uhd tv for the money

    Really quite please with the picture quality of this TV. Initially purchased a 50 inch but found it to be too big for our apartment. After returning it however, we purchased a 43 inch which works better although I think the jump from 43 to 50 is too big. We were easily able to set up our wifi, amazon, and youtube accounts. the web browser is pretty basic but it works. installing the smartview app on iphones was easy and were initially impressed with it until it stopped working abruptly. It simply wouldn't connect. It later started working again, perhaps on its own, not sure but we did attempt to update the firmware although we already had the most current (we've read a lot of complaints about the smartview app online). the picture quality and the audio for us seems exceptional. there are a lot of snobs who've reviewed both aspects and complained but seriously those people need to get a life. I definitely recommend the tv. consider your size needs before purchasing.

  • Sandy Gardner - Awesome!

    Very addictive. Most of the game is awesome. The only thing I don't like is completing the country 100% doesn't give you much of a cash reward. So, you spend a lot of in game cash money on building ports and other things and you don't need to. Unless, you want to ship merchandise, but it is not needed. If I am going to spend my in game earnings on making that country better then I want a bigger pay out for completing 100% of the country. Just as cool as Candy Crush!

  • Amazon Customer - it also it seen should be very easy to put the case on the phone

    I got this product as a sample for free or at a discounted price in exchange of my honest, unbiased and truthful opinion. All of my reviews reflect my honest opinion as I am not, in any way, requested to leave a positive review. Hope this helps!

  • Amazon Customer - Five Stars

    Definitely a great addition to my Harry Potter book collection. I'm so happy they are illustrating these beloved books.