Surfside Pediatrics - Pediatrician in Ventura, CA - Surfside Pediatrics is a pediatrician specializing in ADD & ADHD, breast feeding, child nutrition and child behavior problems. Contact our Ventura office today!

  • Pediatric Office - Pediatrician in Ventura, CA - Surfside Pediatrics is a pediatric office located in Ventura, CA. Visit our website to get office hours, insurance information, and directions to our office.
  • Pediatric Staff - Pediatrician in Ventura, CA - Learn more about Surfside Pediatrics and staff, a pediatrician in Ventura, CA providing patients information on child nutrition and child behavior problems!
  • New Pediatric Patients - Ventura, CA - Infants, Children and Adolescent care. Call (805) 643-7500 and learn why Surfside Pediatrics is a trusted Ventura, CA pediatrician for your family's health care needs.
  • Contact Us - Ventura, CA Pediatrician - Surfside Pediatrics - For more information on your child's health, contact Surfside Pediatrics, an experienced pediatrician in Ventura, CA.
  • Pediatrician - Pediatrician in Ventura, CA - Visit Surfside Pediatrics & meet your local family pediatrician in Ventura, CA. Contact our pediatric office to schedule your appointment with our pediatrician!
  • Child Nutrition - Pediatrician in Ventura, CA - Read about the different ways to keep your child healthy with our guide on child nutrition. Contact Surfside Pediatrics in Ventura, CA for child nutrition info.
  • Breast Feeding - Pediatrician in Ventura, CA - Learn about the benefits of breast feeding your newborn on our website or call Surfside Pediatrics in Ventura, CA for more information on breast feeding!
  • ADD and ADHD - Pediatrician in Ventura, CA - Surfside Pediatrics wants parents to be informed on the symptoms of ADD & ADHD so each child gets proper care and attention. Call our Ventura, CA office today!
  • Child Behavior Problems - Pediatrician in Ventura, CA - Learn about the different types of child behavior problems and how to support your child during this time of need at Surfside Pediatrics in Ventura, CA!

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -118.3151 California, United States


    Phil Collins has an incredible voice and I love his music. This song has a solid beat, strong meaning, and good listening music. I would certainly recommend this song, Phil Collins, to all!

  • Karen Fanning - DELICIOUS!!!

    Snapple Apple has been my FAVORITE drink since I lived in the Boston area my whole life. It was only available at one store, very hard to find, but Oh, SO worth it!! I didn't realize when I moved to Colorado almost 8 years ago that I would have no access to my favorite beverage. I have begged stores here to carry place said yes, but they can't get it from the distribution center or some such thing! I went back home in 2011, and brought back 2 cases, but it doesn't last long in my house. You have to drink it very cold, and it tastes like a fresh, crisp, just picked red apple when you first sip it. It is not like any other apple juice or apple drink. There is a crispness to the ice-cold juice that is amazing. So refreshing, kind of sweet. I have since found it here on Amazon, thank goodness, and have purchased it once myself; my daughter also bought me some once as a gift. Nice daughter, eh?? Funny, though...when it arrived, it was shipped from the city back home where that one store was that carried it. Hmmm...small world, same Snapple!!

  • CW22 - Only for water loss, not fat loss!

    I lost 5 lbs of water & was starving on this program. I have since then switched to a vegan protein shake in the am & 2 small veggie mels w fish or chicken & lost more lbs own.

  • PaulM - Kindle Version is Too Limiting

    These comments are for the Kindle version. While I thought it would be nice to have a compact e-book version rather than the 3-inch or so thick printed paper version, the Kindle version was somewhat disappointing to use. The index is not hyper-linked nor does it list page numbers, so it is a mostly useless list of topics that could be found "somewhere". I was specifically looking for information on how to report K-1 income for stock-based partnerships, and there were small bits of reference scattered in multiple sections, making it awkward to find or extract needed information. Next time, I'm going back to a printed book.

  • Prado - I lost 15 pounds!

    This product works to me. I Lost around 15 pounds in 1.5 months... It taste good and you don't need add any flavor. Remember go to the gym too ;)