Neem een uur voor de geslachtsgemeenschap de pil in 4-5 uur, het eten van vet voedsel kan vertragen het begin van de excitatie Viagra die me werd aangeraden door de psycholoog. Ik geloofde dat ik een aantal fysiologische problemen, maar nee. Het was nodig om te diversifiëren intieme leven.

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  • blue - amazing!

    I'll never be with out it again. Cleared my anxiety...almost stopped all my muscle head aches are gone. I could go on forever!!! I ran out for a couple days and my anxiety came back full force....I'll NEVER NEVER NEVER run out again.

  • mother of twins, Atlanta - Successfully using it for underwater pictures, but not my favorite device

    Early adopter here. Not enjoying the Yocam all that much. It's not awful. I got it primarily to take pictures underwater. And it does that, and some of the pictures are really good. Here's what I'm not enjoying. 1. I can't remember if the blue or the red light means video vs picture, and keep using the wrong mode. The mode needs to be more clearly indicated on the camera somehow. 2. The software is not easy to understand, and there's no efficient way to move pictures from the camera to anywhere else. The software can connect the camera to my iphone, but the only way to actually move the pictures is to select them one at a time and move them in small batches. Don't know the maximum that can be moved, it has successfully moved 9 at a time and jammed when I tried to move 35. But in the water with my kids I took a few hundred and needed to be able to weed out the good ones quickly - couldn't do it. It needs a "move all" feature, or an eye-fi type system where it can connect to the computer directly. The only other way to get the pictures off, it seems, is to put the microSD card into an SD adapter and connect it to your computer, which is very 2002, and even though I bought a brand new microSD card for this purpose, I cannot get it to communicate with my computer at all. This is the fault of the card (or the adapter, or my reader), not Yocam, but just using this technology in 2016 seems ridiculous to me and I was very surprised to see it. 3. The pictures are fisheye, which is weird outside the pool (but ok in the pool). The view range on the pictures is abnormally shortened vertically, and of course there's no way to look through this device to see what it's seeing, so most of the pictures I take blindly cut off the kids' heads. Sorry the first Amazon review is not awesome. I'll probably use it this summer then try another device.

  • Amazon Customer - 4 months and little fuzzies

    I've been using it nightly for a few months and have recently noticed lots of short fuzzy hairs all over the top of my head. Missed the odd day here and there but never days in a row.

  • Shuwan Gibson - this book has Indepth information with info to back up

    this book speaks on history that is not taught in schools. Open ones eyes of how the MOORS the real name for people with melamine in there skin ASAITIC KUSHITE MOORS. RULED AND CULTURED THE WORLD. Give you the rise and fall of the empires and stolen information which other cultures use today as their own.