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  • belletlc - Does what it was originally designed to do

    I agree with the first poster. As long as I'm on this product, I'm don't feel like I'm losing my mind on the least little thing. I have two little boys who demand all of my attention (as they should), and I recognize when I don't buy this for a month, I can't handle the screaming and yelling sometimes. I feel like going in my room and throwing the blankets over my head for ten minutes.

  • Mike / Lisa - If you have thin hair, don't bother with this!

    This product is horrible! I am returning it because of false advertisement. I saw this on Facebook at first - I am sure you have all seen the video as well, which is why you are here. Seems too good to be true, right? It is! I straighten my hair EVERY SINGLE DAY so I am a pro at these types of tools and this one was a huge disappointment. I have longer, thin, wavy, puffy hair that needs to be straightened to give it any sense of style. My hair was naturally curly, but years of straightening it has caused to it just be a puffy wavy mess. I have used various products from Conair straighteners to Chi and have settled on my favorite of a Paul Mitchell Smoothing Iron. That being said, I wanted this product to get a quick smoothing effect for the days I want to throw my hair up, but need it smoothed first. I knew for my thin hair that expecting it to straighten it was a stretch. The product takes a while to heat up to full heat - Maybe around 4-5 minutes. You need to be careful too because I actually burned a finger on the brush - something I have yet to do on a straightener - trying to brush it like they did in the video. I did three passes on the same 2 inch set of hair and it didn't look any different. I tried various techniques really wanting this to work for me, but it did nothing at all to my hair. Perhaps those with thicker hair would have better success, but I can say that this product did not work for me and I would not recommend it to others.

  • Ryan Martinez - Stop the noise!

    This helped tremendously to silence the water pump on my Jayco fifth wheel. Jayco had originally mounted PEX tubing directly to the pump so any vibration was transmitted directly into the walls. These flexible hoses help to reduce the amount of vibration transmitted. Though it does still get loud when its cold and the hoses stiffen. These hoses are quite long (about 20") so pay attention to available space. Its nice to not have water usage wake everyone up in the middle of the night!

  • Amazon Customer - Even though I'm sure it wasn't as bad as I thought it was

    okay so ive never actually given a review for anything before, but I cant just sit back and not give one for this product. I'm a 20 year old male in the military. I never had serious breakouts until I had to have a clean shave everyday when I left for the military. Mostly1 or 2 big "blind pimples" on my chin a week, huge pores on my nose filled with blackheads, and whiteheads spread across my cheeks and forehead. I'm not lying when I say I have tried everything on the market for acne. Even stopping all products and going all natural. It killed my self esteem and most weekends I would spend indoors because I was too ashamed of being seen in public. Even though I'm sure it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, I still didn't want to be seen. So I stumbled across this product and figured, oh well with reviews like this I ought to give it a shot. Thank God I did. You cant even see a single pore on my face. After just 48 hours like it says, I didn't have a single bump on my face. And I'm now on a week of it and my skin has no redness from old acne scars and not a single pimple. The only con to this product is, the container is small and its a little pricy. But I apply twice a day, after morning shower and night shower. It has a very menthol smell which burns a little on the face but its a good feeling. I used to have an oily face but now its normal. I HIGHLY recommend this.

  • Hussein - Good Product

    I used it multiple times to get the lower back hair and chest area, and it worked pretty well. Don't try under the armpit or the groin area! Just remember that!!!

  • Syrma - Absolutely love it! What a Great Surprise!!

    I was skeptical at first wondering if it was just a cheesy vampire story trying to copy all the others out there. But I gave it a shot since it was a free loan with prime and the reviews were good. All I have to say now is that I couldn't put it down and can't get enough! I just finished book 2 and am moving on to book 3. The story is so multidimensional and layer after layer continues to shock and amaze me. What creativity!!! So many shockers and surprises and I love them all. I can't wait to read the rest!!

  • harleygirl3000 - Worked for mom!

    My mom bought her three daughter a kit each after excellent results. She has a heart condition and diabetes and her and dad both took after she got our of the hospital. She is now up and about and swears by it! She could have avoided a horrible weeklong hospital stay made her sicker than she started.