Doug Bolden's Dickens of a Blog. - The personal webpage of W. Doug Bolden. Dickens of a Blog has been around since 2002 or so in various formats. Various topics discussed, but the most common ones include horror, science, philosophy, science-fiction, poetry, etymology, random rants about random things, and lots and lots of books.

Country:, North America, US

City: -117.8612 California, United States

  • Amazon Customer - I really like it, I used it a lot and found ...

    I really like it, I used it a lot and found that the battery lasted longer than they even said it will. Love that it has a dimmer. Not truly a protective case, and I feel like if I dropped it the case would most likely crack as well. I use it to take makeup photos, and it works perfectly for that. I think that it's easy to slip in your purse while you're using a more protective case for day to day stuff.

  • Keith R. Mullins - No problems, good tax software

    Easy to use, no problems. This is federal only and I did the state through my state on line service. No need to buy commercial software for my state.

  • Jran, of Everett Wash - An amendment to my original review of this tablet

    Last week I had listed that this tablet didn't work and didn't play Netflix videos, and I stated not to buy this item. My bad as I hadn't installed the Netflix App. to play Netflix in the tablet. Once the appl. was installed the movies played like a breeze. This tablet takes getting used to as it isn't as touch responsive as I'd like it to be, but I think it can be a secondary pad that I can let my grandson play with and not be concerned when it breaks, as I've ordered a more expensive pad for my personal use. The downside to this tablet is that it says it has 8G of memory but all I see is 1g for storage, as I've downloaded 286mb of appls and it says it has 662mb of space left . This is a big dissapointment, and you'll need to buy a memory card asap. The battery charger has a short oord ,but I can buy an extension cord. All in all it's an ok tablet. You get what you pay for.

  • kindred spirit - First shake ever to actually work for me. I don't get HUNGRY!!

    I am on day 6 of Almased. Some have asked how long it lasts. One can is 10 servings so if you do it like they say. At day 5 I had lost 3 pounds. I will not check again till day 10. I got 3 cans for 18.13 each on Amazon but now they have raised it to 23.05. I mix it with low fat chocloate milk and it tastes good. What I love it that I DO NOT GET HUNGRY!!! A miracle for me. I have metabolic syndrome and I cannot lose weight so fast and I am. So I give it a High 5!

  • WOSully - A few modifications for a 2012 2-door Jeep.

    This is a quality product that was not a problem to install. You have to remove your rear tail light, then pop out the old piece. I had to make a small hole to fit the nob of the door, as my Jeep is a 2012 2-Door sport. I Just placed the cover in the right spot and in s second drilled the hole then pushed it in. I wathched this youtube video to install it and it was right on: