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Writing, editing, interviewing, publication project management services, communications, storytelling - We offer comprehensive editorial services to help you tell your story and connect with your audience through a variety of communication channels.

  • http://wynnecommunications.com/about.html Wynne Communications award-winning writer, specialties, clients - Julie Jacobs is an award-winning writer specializing in health care, health and wellness, social outreach, philanthropy, film and entertainment.
  • http://wynnecommunications.com/contact.html Fiction Author, Creative Writer, Fiction Author- Scotch Plains, NJ - wynne communications in Scotch Plains is a modern folklorist and fiction author that blends hisotory and reality to create the most engaging of stories.
  • http://wynnecommunications.com/feature-articles.html Wynne Communications feature articles: health, entertainment, social outreach - Julie Jacobs is an award-winning writer specializing in health/wellness, film/entertainment and social outreach/philanthropy.
  • http://wynnecommunications.com/press-releases.html Wynne Communications press releases publicize events, businesses, campaigns, awards and honors - Julie Jacobs has written press releases for various clients to publicize events/businesses, promote capital campaigns, and note prestigious awards/honors.
  • http://wynnecommunications.com/newsletters.html Wynne Communications Newsletters/Brochures - We have efficiently and effectively produced newsletters, reports, brochures, Website copy and many other communications.
  • http://wynnecommunications.com/testimonials.html Testimonials for Wynne Communications - How do our clients describe us? Conscientious, dedicated, excellent, professional, a pleasure to work with, and highly recommended.
  • http://wynnecommunications.com/news-awards.html Wynne Communications Writing News & Writing Awards - Julie Jacobs is an award-winning writer whose work has been featured in numerous national, regional and local publications.

    Country:, North America, US

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