8uust.com - This is a Value Report about 8uust.com, Giving it a value upwards of $27 USD by our system, Comprehensive reference data Include:Alexa Rank, Google Rank, Search Engine and Social Media.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4512 Virginia, United States

  • Robert L. Fastner - Works great and is unobtrusive.

    This is supposed to be the best consumer software and it installs and runs unobtrusively unlike Norton and McAfee. I work in IT and this is a good buy with 3 licenses. It doesn't seem to slow anything down or block installed software. I recommend it.

  • Woojin Cho - Perfect for home

    Good enough horse power, quiet enough, easy to move, very convenient switches for speed and inclination, precise heart rate transfer, MP3 player attachable, cool fan, and fancy board. Stongly recommend this to anybody hope to work out at their home. (Just one Warning! When you are supposed to assmble it by yourself, don't release the velcro strap until you read the pink paper in it! It can be dangerous!)

  • Prospero - Good if you have some prior knowledge

    I enjoyed the humor of this text, but I still got a little bogged down in the minutia of the program. I am just a beginner with the program, but I still feel a little overwhelmed. I think the text would have been better suited to someone with prior knowledge of the program.

  • Alan B. Cring - Do not use this software

    Yeah, last year, tax year 2012, I filed for my corporation with this trash. I filled out Form 2553 to elect S Corp status. After I filed electronically, the print-out of my forms showed the Form 2553 along with all the other documents. Turns out, TurboTax for Business doesn't file that form electronically. No warning. It just didn't file it. Now, for tax year 2013, the IRS does not recognize my company as an S Corp, and I'm in hot water. I bought that "audit defense" product, and I can't even find a way to use it. I called the number that was in the receipt for it, and some totally clueless young woman told me she didn't have any information about the product, but she'd give me a Website link via e-mail. That turned out to be a dead link. I finally found a Website from TurboTax to the audit defense site, but all I could find there was a phone number back to the same place where I'd talk to Rocket Science Girl. There was also an e-mail link, and when I sent a message to that e-mail address, it got returned to me. If I had the money, I'd sue TurboTax. If I had a government with a real consumer protection agency, I'd file a complaint in a heartbeat.

  • Alexa Gonzalez - Great!

    Love it! Leaves a nice fragrance. I have an aged dog so I will not use flea/tick shampoo with so much chemicals. This has natural replellent against fleas and ticks.