Innovare Academic Sciences - Innovare academic sciences is publisher of peer reviewed Journals in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciecnes, Medical sciences, Health science, Engineering, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Ayurvedic science, Education, Social science, Business management, Food sciences, and Life sciences

  • International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Int J Pharm Pharm Sci) is peer reviewed, Monthly (Onward April 2014) open access Journal. This Journal publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific
  • Journal of Critical Reviews - Journal of critical reviews (JCR) is peer reviewed open access journal published quarterly. JCR is dedicated to publish critical reviews in the field of Pharmaceutical, Medical and Applied Sciences (Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Biotechnology,

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  • awraynor - A Good UPS at a Good Price

    My 6 year old UPS died recently. It was from another manufacturer and had served me well. It of course

  • carrblack - Excellent product and user tips

    This kit worked exactly as it said it would. The yellowed, cloudy lights on my Toyota Sienna are now clear. The restoration process involves taping the areas around the headlights with the provided tape to protect the seal and paint. Then you spray the headlight generously with a liquid that makes the ugly yellow just run right off. After a 30 second soak, the light is rinsed then buffed in circular motions for 5 minutes with 400 grit sandpaper. Then rinsed and buffed for 5 minutes with 1000 grit sandpaper. Then rinsed and buffed for 5 minutes with 4000 grit sandpaper. Then rinsed and buffed for 5 minutes with a compound liquid and rinsed again. For two headlights, this equals 40 minutes of hand-buffing total. My arm was sore, and I recommend that you use a buffer if you have one. After the buffing is complete, the headlights are re-sprayed with the same liquid that was first used to remove the yellow. That's where my first glitch happened. The bottle states to spray the liquid generously when applying, so I did. There was also a breeze, and I lost some to the wind. In the end, I did not have enough of this solution to completely cover the second headlight. I had to pour out what was remaining in the bottle onto the headlight, and distribute the liquid gently with my finger. It did not affect the outcome of the restoration treatment. I assume I just applied too generously, and the breeze was too strong. After rinsing the liquid off of the headlights, removing the tape and completely drying them off, the lights are then treated with a UV protective clear coating that is like a thin lacquer and MUST be applied properly. You must moisten the edge of a folded cloth (provided in kit) with the liquid then move from the top of the headlight all the way down to the bottom of the headlight in long, continuous, slightly overlapping strokes. The same process as when painting fingernails, except that you use a folded cloth instead of a brush. Re-wet the cloth before each stroke. DO NOT RE-APPLY OR WIPE AGAIN AFTER YOU LAY DOWN THE COAT. That's where the second glitch came in to play. I made a mistake on the first headlight and missed covering a streak. Instead of touching up the streak, I reapplied the entire swipe, and it left more streaks. They are very light streaks, and you have to look very closely just to see them. It irritated the perfectionist in me, however, so on the second headlight, I slowed down the swipe process. I took time to do each swipe to perfection, and the headlight turned out looking like it is brand new. It takes 6-24 hours to dry, depending on the humidity in your area. You can't drive it while the lacquer sets, and you have to make sure to keep the lights bug-free and out of water or rain during that time. The local car wash and detail center wanted to charge $49.99 per headlight to do what this kit did. It's totally worth the time and effort.