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  • Miss Molly - Read this book now. Be prepared. Be informed.

    I knew the book was going to be shocking because A Friend of Medjugorje is the only person bold enough to put himself on the line and tell it like it is. Boom! He's honest and direct and every bit of the information in the book has been painstakingly researched for accuracy and the truth. We don't want to know the truth though. We'd rather stick our heads in the sand and pretend that all our problems are going to just go away; they won't. The world is in trouble, the United States is in trouble! And that's not new information to anyone. They Fired the First Shot 2012 is a travelers guide and we all need direction. A Friend of Medjugorje has laid out the facts about what has been happening in our government and what will happen - the government has a very real plan for 'We The People', and it's very different from the plan our founding father's had in mind. Do your homework, read this book, double check the facts yourself -- all the sources are listed. Then pray that you will be able to find the strength and conviction to change your life and follow the plan outlined in this book. If you decide to stick your head in the sand though, that is totally fine and up to your free will. But why would anyone do that? The book is a gift, graced with profound insight and clear direction. Read it, the clock is ticking and it's urgent. There's no more time. Be Ready.

  • Kristin - Better than coffee

    Item as described. I don't find it hard to drink at all. I put it in hot water and drink several cups a day. Better than coffee! No weight loss, but at least it mentally seems better than coffee! I like to add it to a couple drops of lemon juice... helps with the flavor and seems to dissolve better in hot water.

  • Eureka Marijka - RUSTED -- and almost impossible to remove!

    I purchased this during it's inaugural year (2008). The owner was friendly and helpful when I called with questions, even supplied extra gaskets at no charge to fit my FJ Cruiser. It gave me great peace of mind during a 3-month trip through OK and TX, especially since it was little known and no one would've ever thought to look under the cap. Unfortunately, I should've removed it immediately afterwards instead of relying on it to hide my spare key, because it RUSTED! The pins are rusted, the latch is rusted, and there was rust on the inside of the rubber cap. The entire thing is currently soaking in a half can of WD-40 with a plastic bag tied over all. Wish me luck.

  • Craig Satterlee - Works great to settle the tummy

    Works great to settle the tummy. However, If I use it for more than four days in a row I get a bit dried out even with drinking lots of water.

  • OptimusPrime - Awesome game - Works in USA with HDMI connection (PAL format)

    My experience playing this game is decent. Don't have high expectations but for a cricket fan this is really a treat. PS3 users have been really blessed that this game work absolutely fine irrespective of PAL format.