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  • Prosperity - Say Goodbye to Those Toxic Non-stick Cookie Sheets!

    Thought it would NEVER happen; a stainless steel cookie pan/sheet. LOVE IT! No need to worry yourself about the toxic non-stick coated pans, nor the aluminum pans that use to be the ONLY option for baking. Great in the dishwasher (comes out just as bright and shiny as it is when it's brand new). Easy clean-up by hand too. Seems to tolerate temperatures of 350 degrees without warping or bending out of shape. Great job Norpro! Great price AMAZON!!

  • Ed R. - If It Ain't Broke...

    I am by trade a software engineer. I spent over 20 years in the areas of software design and testing. I am intimately familiar with the Office products and was shocked (dismayed) when the 2010 version came out. My review and therefore the one star rating are based on the following general areas:

  • lili - Love this more than my Oreck

    I bought this from Amazon after watching the infomercial a few times. I wanted to replace the little green Eureka that I got to keep down stairs 

  • laura - Great Product

    I've been using this for about a year and I really do like it. I notice my "mature" skin feels softer and healthier and some fine lines have been reduced. As far as wrinkle fighting products go this is your best bet. There is no magic in a bottle no mater how much you spend,believe me I've tried so many different products.My skin is in better condition than when i started using ROC and that's a win.No need to spend hundreds of dollars for a luxe line when this will do the same,if not better job. I'll stick with ROC unless someone finds a fountain of youth in a bottle.