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Country:, North America, US

City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • joyce d. - Gives my Jeep a dressed up look....

    This product was a PERFECT color match for my Jeep Cherokee Latitude, Brilliant Black Pearl, and my friend at the body shop applied the

  • andrea johnson - This book sucks. This book shouldn't be sold at all

    This book sucks. This book shouldn't be sold at all. So many errors. Don't buy this to study for TEAS.

  • Barry S. - Worthless gimick

    I stopped short of buying one after reading this professional review and, as suggested by them, dug out my old rabbit ears antenna and achieved the same results as claimed by ClearVIsion, Suggest you do the same - or maybe I should start selling rabbit ears on Amazon? lol

  • Jesse M C - This battery tender is a great tool for keeping my batteries charged especially for long ...

    This battery tender is a great tool for keeping my batteries charged especially for long periods of time in which a battery may sit and not be used. It's a trickle charger that can diagnosis the condition of the battery. It told me why my car battery would not take a charge, a bad cell. It pulse charges the battery, cleaning the cell of sulfer, something I don't understand completely. I would highly recommend it to others.

  • David Schmidt - I absolutely love this stuff

    I absolutely love this stuff. The fruit punch tastes amazing. I sip on it during my workouts and I've noticed I have more endurance vs days I don't use it. Yes I did test it out. Recovery has been much faster than normal as well. If this isn't apart of you're stack, your missing out. By far one of my favorite BCAA on the market right now.