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  • Miss Silvia - Applying More Methods To Kill Fleas

    The first thing I didn't like about this product is the smell .... it's too powerful. Thank goodness I just used it in one room, the bathroom where I have white tile so I can see the fleas on the floor. But after I just sprayed it around the baseboards, the smell was too much and now that's it's colder outside, I HAD to open a window, run the fan and circulate the air to give me a chance to breath. But I certainly won't spray it all over my house, especially now that windows are closed for winter. BUYER beware. I'm not even sure it's killing fleas. I don't see any evidence of dead fleas. But I had already run a 3 month treatment with FRONTLINE on my 8 cats and now I'm combing them with a fine tooth FLEA COMB on the counter of the bathroom sink.I run a thin line of tepid water ( NOT HOT, that's CRUEL) and as I make a PASS on the coat to pick up fleas, I run the comb under the water and they go down the drain. I use my fingers to scrub the fleas off the comb but for the squeamish, use an old toothbrush. Fleas that fall in the bowl cannot jump high enough to get out. Before I run the comb

  • Ruth Ann - Inspiring read.

    This book has given me so much insight into the Trinity and how it functions within itself, and how it functions in the spirit of those who allow it to. The beauty of the flow of love between the members of the Trinity, the flow of Trinitarian love in believers, and the flow of Trinitarian love through believers to the world was made so clear and so exciting. To know that we are a part of this cosmic flow of love gives me inspiration and hope. The words aren't coming out the way I would like them to - I can only say thank you to Father Rohr. I've read several of Richard Rohr's books and receive his daily devotionals, but the truths revealed in this book have touched me to the core. I'm on my second time through, and I believe it will be one of those books I will pick up again and again.

  • Charlotte Guerrero - Try it while you still can

    The Orogold Anti-Aging Eye Serum is the best eye serum that I have ever used. It helped me to get rid of crow’s feet from my eye area. Anyone who has crow’s feet knows how big a relief that can be. I would certainly recommend the Orogold Anti-Aging Eye Serum to everyone. It can also help your eye area to look smoother, softer and younger and offer it with the right amount of protection and moisturization that it deserves. I even noticed that after using this eye serum for a while, the amount of makeup that I needed to apply has reduced as well. However, I don’t use this product daily. I prefer to use it about 3 – 4 times every week.

  • eire1274 - Same as what the music shops carry

    Good old Al Cass valve oil, but at cheaper prices. We stocked up here, and now have a bottle in each of our 3 trumpet cases, as well as a couple backups for when a kid will eventually lose one.